Our Models of Care

You do not have to face serious illness alone. We are here to walk with you, every step of the way. We offer a holistic service to a patients and their family facing a life limiting illness that is designed to meet their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Our models of care are as follows:  


Hospital Visits: A team consisting of a palliative care nurse, doctor, social worker and other professionals as required supports patients and families in hospital.  Hospital visits are made as by referral from a physician, request from family member or as part of a care plan protocol agreed about a patient already on the Island caseload.


Roadside Clinics: We have become recognised in communities where patients live remotely from primary healthcare institutions.  The roadside model is for palliative care patients that have already been assessed but live far from the health centre, which makes it easy for them to consult along the road near to their home.


Walk in Clinic Services: The Island team conducts palliative care clinics for adults and  children using the already existing health centres in Zimbabwe.  We also see patients at our offices in Harare.


Home Visits: Patients who are at home can also be visited by an Island team upon referral from a physician. The patient is assessed and care is delivered according to need and the patient’s condition will determine the frequency of visits to the patient. During a home visit, the team also assesses the family and discusses possible interventions for strengthening the primary caregiver’s capacity to care for the patient while also coping with the burden of care. Children are particularly observed and engaged in assessment as they are the most vulnerable.

Capacity Building: Training and mentoring has been one of Island’s critical responses to improving access to palliative care in Zimbabwe. We train health professionals including doctors and nurses. We also train traditional healers, pastors and caregivers to provide palliative care. Although we operate in Zimbabwe, we have trained public and private healthcare providers as far afield as Namibia, Zambia, Botswana, Kenya and South Africa. In addition, we have hosted international palliative care providers from Australia, North America and Europe.


Children's Programmes: Island identifies primary caregivers including young children and adolescents who are caring for a chronically ill family member. These children are placed in young carers clubs where they can access support from peers. They are supported by Island social workers and attend sessions on building coping mechanisms as well as learn how to provide adequate care from home. Primary caregivers who are not children are also provided with the same support mechanisms and opportunities for training.



Dynamic leaders in the advancement of palliative and bereavement care in Zimbabwe and beyond.

  • Pain management
  • Symptoms treatment
  • Counselling services
  • Bereavement therapy
  • Caregiving training


To sustainably provide and develop quality palliative and bereavement care for communities, through research, training and partnership.

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