Vision & Mission

Island Hospice & Healthcare (Island) was established in 1979 as the first hospice in Africa. Island is a registered Private Voluntary Organisation (PVO# W.O 27/9)



Dynamic leaders in the advancement of palliative and bereavement care in Zimbabwe and beyond.



To sustainably provide and develop quality palliative and bereavement care for communities, through research, training and partnership.



  • Integrity
  • Professionalism
  • Teamwork
  • Innovation
  • Compassion



  • Care
  • Compassion
  • Impact


Major Milestones

1979 1st hospice in Africa
1987  First Aids patient
1994  Dr Elizabeth Kubler Ross visits Island
2007  World of Children Award: Rona Martin
2007  Multidisciplinary Palliative Care Team Work Award: Val Maasdorp
2007 Stars Foundation Impact Award
2007 Inter-country regional trainer - APCA
2013 Runner up “Educator of the year award”: Francis Tsikayi
2017 WHO nominates Island to be evaluated as a demonstration site for Africa.


Dynamic leaders in the advancement of palliative and bereavement care in Zimbabwe and beyond.


Pain management

  • Symptoms treatment
  • Counselling services
  • Bereavement therapy
  • Caregiving training


To sustainably provide and develop quality palliative and bereavement care for communities, through research, training and partnership.

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